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  • iEthereum.org Developer Grant Scholarship Fund

iEthereum.org Developer Grant Scholarship Fund

Your Free iEthereum is matched 1:1

Over the course of time, I will elaborate. But today I am not ready.

Let me begin today with a short paraphrase of a larger story.

In January 2018, I met a stranger in passing. I will call him Daniel. He was a kind and biblical figure that happened to be at a local general store while I was filling up on my morning dripped coffee. To this day, his kindness, other-worldly wisdom and presence are remembered.

That morning I was witness to life changing events for many of my local neighbors. Daniel had benefited from the recent Bitcoin price explosion and he was paying it forward with charitable donations. New water wells were being drilled, mortgages had been paid off, tax liens paid, and bankruptcy sized medical bills taken care of just to name a few of the witnessed actions from this kind soul.

As I was leaving, overwhelmed with disbelief as to the emotions I just experienced. He stopped me at my truck, “Are you Knive?” He asked me if I believed in time travel. We talked for 30 minutes. I was fascinated. His aura was strong. He warned me of a coming future. Upon his departure and never to be seen again; he handed me a book called “Conviction of a Time Traveler.” by Anonymous. The first credible investigation of John Titor. He also handed me a paper wallet with 100,000 iEthereum. It was also interesting to me that I had already known about and purchased a few hundred dollars worth of the little known crypto iEthereum. Had he found me from my personal purchase? He told me to be careful in the destructive times ahead and not to be a “Judas Iscariot” in the coming world. So readers, please keep me in check, I am only human.

To this day, I am not sure what the exact meaning of his personal message to me was! Or how it should be internalized? It seems those times he spoke about are here. I promised him that I would pay this forward and put forth these cryptos into charity. So here we are.

iEthereum development grants are coming.

But when depends on you.

Is the market ready for iEthereum Dapp development?

In a previous article, “Why is Nobody Talking about iEthereum,” published on August 30, 2023 we stated that iEthereum Dapp Development grants would begin sometime between years 2 and 3 of our organizational growth timeline. We are approaching our first year of completion.

Development all depends on product market timing and fit.

We are ready to deploy nearly 100,000 iEthereum for this exact purpose. These iEthereum were allocated with the intent to match 1:1 with the free iEthereum we are giving away when you sign up for our Annual Premium Paid Sponsorship.

That is right, the first 10,000 sign ups for our paid annual premium sponsorship will receive free iEthereum based on the schedule highlighted in the article “Free iEthereum.” The free iEthereum you receive will be matched 1:1 into our iEthereum Development Grant Fund for dapp development.

Your direct sponsorship contribution will be reflected in the ongoing growth via iEthereum development grants. How cool is that?

A total of 99,400 iEthereum has been guaranteed to the first 10,000 annual paid sponsors of www.iEthereum.org. This offer is insured up to a $1 market value of iEthereum. If the fair market value of iEthereum surpasses $1 before we receive our fist 10,000 annual sponsors; we will (may) have to end/adjust this promotion. Additionally, annual renewals will also receive more free iEthereum based on the schedule if they take place prior to our 10,000 sponsorship goal.

These “Free iEthereum” will be matched 1:1 into the iEthereum Grant Development Grant Fund for future community inspired projects.

Daniel’s contribution will remain allocated for these charitable purposes.

We are serious about growing this ecosystem. We are excited about sharing this growth with you, the readers and sponsors of iEthereum Advocacy Trust, ie www.iethereum.org. We feel this 1:1 match will allow our sponsors to feel intimately involved with the growth of the open sourced iEthereum network we are currently bringing awareness to.

Between you, the paid sponsors and the future grant dapp developers we have allocated 198,800 iEthereum that we are putting towards the cause. That is 1.1% of the total supply of iEthereum that we have either purchased off the open market at fair market value over the past 6 plus years or was gifted by Daniel. This will continue and compliment the fair distribution model that the iEthereum founders, whoever they are, intended.

Our one year anniversary of publishing articles is approaching fast. Pi day, March 14th, 2024 is the date that we begin year two of our journey. As we cross this threshold, we will begin soliciting ideas from sponsors as well as detailing our plans and progress for the iEthereum Grant Development Fund to commence in alignment with the stated 2-3 years strategic goals.

We have not yet finalized. However, it is likely that the first dapp that we will have developed is an iEthereum faucet of some type to further propagate awareness, provide incentive and continue fair distribution. If you know of a developer with this capability or a crypto development firm that would like to be a sponsor to this objective; please do not hesitate to have them contact me at [email protected].

Wherever you are in your timeline or travels; In memory of Daniel, God Bless. Thank you

iEther way, We see Value!

If you see value in our weekly articles and the work that we are doing; please sign up for our free subscription and/or share this article on your social media.

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Follow us over at Substack for additional fun, fictional iEtherean Tales and more technical iEthereum articles at https://iethereum.substack.com

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Our new Youtube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/@iethereum

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If you are currently an iEthereum investor and you believe in the future of this open source software; please consider upgrading to a premium paid sponsorship. A $104 annual sponsorship is currently the greatest assurance your iEthereum investment has a voice in the greater crypto space.

Receive free iEthereum with a sponsorship.

For those inspired to support the cause, the iEthereum Advocacy Trust provides a simple avenue – a wallet address ready to receive donations or sponsorships of Ethereum, Pulsechain, Ethereum POW, Ethereum Fair, all other EVM compatible network cryptocurrencies, or any Ethereum-based ERC tokens such as iEthereum.

Please consider donating or sponsoring via Ethereum address below 0xF5d7F94F173E120Cb750fD142a3fD597ff5fe7Bc

If you are interested in an iEthereum consultation, please sign up for the newsletter, upgrade to a premium sponsorship, and send me an email to schedule payment and appointment.

Feel free to contact us at iEthereum@proton.me with any questions, concerns, ideas, news and tips regarding the iEthereum project.

Thank you

Note: We are not the founders. iEthereum is a 2017 MIT Open Source Licensed Project. We are simply talking about this project that nobody else is while it is publicly listed on several coin indexes.

Do your own research. We are not financial or investment advisors!


or to participate.